Revolution Case
Common card
This is a Common product card. It aggregates other offers of similar items
Market hash name
Revolution Case
Case, Weapon Case
Contains one of the following:
MAG-7 | Insomnia
MP9 | Featherweight
SCAR-20 | Fragments
P250 | Re.built
MP5-SD | Liquidation
SG 553 | Cyberforce
Tec-9 | Rebel
M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S
Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit
MAC-10 | Sakkaku
R8 Revolver | Banana Cannon
P90 | Neoqueen
AWP | Duality
UMP-45 | Wild Child
P2000 | Wicked Sick
M4A4 | Temukau
AK-47 | Head Shot
or the Exceedingly Rare Gloves!